Friday, December 31, 2010

Exercise for Computer Potatoes

While I'm brushing my teeth, I kick up my legs. 

While I'm doing housework I jog from room to room.etc etc..

..whatever I can do while doing the necessary other things in life, I try to combine to moving  more and moving faster

At the store I park far away which  takes an extra 3 minutes each way  =   6 minutes!

It all adds up... a little here, a little there...
Just like calories -

-a little here, a little there - added or subtracted
 for  weight gain or weight loss.
  Like so many others, I'm motivated at this New Year's time to lose a few pounds!

Love to get your comments on how you keep healthier by moving/exercising, etc - especially if you do not naturally "love" to exercise!

I better sign off from sitting here, and  take a nice little walk!
Happy Healthy New Year's  to Everyone!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Joy in Mundane Housework

Housework is hard for me.   Reading, writing, thinking  plus  connecting with people is what I love!

But surely to create a happier and healthier (lovely, orderly) living quarters is a holy and high calling.

If I do it as unto the LORD who is a God of order and beauty, and work at it with all my might as working for Him, it will become more fun.  (those are Bible verses, but I don't have the references- chapter and book- memorized)

 God has blessed me with a wonderful  husband for 36 years.  Though empty nesters now, I want  to honor and bless him this way.   He is patience and kindness personified and never complains about my being domestically challenged. 

But a lovely environment  is a form of self respect even for myself also   I would think...

  I am so thankful for Messies Anonymous and Sandra Felton - her books, etc  plus  free online community of support for people like me!
Plus  I am listening to Scripture set to music while I work.

Happy- healthy --- and frugal living today!

I can find things we need better, avoid buying things, plus give un needed stuff to others so they too can be frugal.
Clutter here I come!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sleeping For Success

I heard of a new book entitled SLEEP FOR SUCCESS. It told how a girl was practicing her gymnastics early each morning and after school, several hours each day total. But she couldn't seem to improve.

A doctor told her to reduce the  morning practice and instead get 2 extra hours of sleep.  She did, and she quickly made progress and even earned impressive awards with her newly improved performance.

We Americans seem to have a hard time getting at least 8 hours of quality sleep each night.
I also heard of a book entitled GOOD BYE INSOMNIA that I want to read.

I've read that 8 hours of quality sleep boosts our immune system, our emotional well being,  and our memory  for starters!

Good night dear readers.   Now I"m going to turn off this computer light here at 8pm and let my brain begin to shut down for some good shut eye!

Friday, December 24, 2010

What can keep God's blessings from us?

Matthew Henry in his  Bible Commentary says

" God has blessings ready for us but we have  not room to receive them due to

   1.  weakness of our faith
    2.  narrowness of our desires"

 This was from Malachi 3:7-12.
You can google and  read his complete book online for free. 

I use Matthew Henry's Concise version, and have  a hard copy of it. My wonderful son in law pointed it out to me at a church library give away event!
  I had frugally  been collecting his Complete Version volume by volume as I came across them at used bookstores. 
 But  to acquire his  complete commentary on the whole Bible,  concise version,  for free!  Now that was a happy and frugal day!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Healthy Frugal Happy: Beat those winter colds!

Healthy Frugal Happy: Beat those winter colds!

Healthy Frugal Happy: Beat those winter colds!

Healthy Frugal Happy: Beat those winter colds!

Beat those winter colds!

We seldom get colds.

The reason is we learned the hard way:  hubby became allergic to most antibiotics over 30 years ago due to having so many of them to cure feverish  serious sinus infections, etc.

So had no choice but to pray for  a solution.

  God answered when  we met folks who used healtheir foods plus herbs.   They had cured otherwise seemingly "incurable" conditions.  We began reading everything we could and it  has worked well for us for the past 30  years. 

As long as we do the following, we get very few if any colds, etc
  - avoid cows  milk products  since they lead to mucus in us.
Rice  milk instead. 
No white flour or white sugar - whole grains, honey, stevia  or fructose instead .
No processed or junk foods.
Lots of fruits, veggies, beans, brown rice.
Enjoy a  Sunday Day of Rest.
Take time to relax,  unwind each day, and have fun!

 Meat  only a few times a week.  (many studies show vegetarian  have less cancer and heart disease.  Some researchers feel weak immune systems contribute to cancer, and meat may weaken some immune systems)

At first sign of a cold,  we  grab a few capsules of one or a combo of the following herbs that boost the immune system,  easily available at quality health food stores - even Walmart has some of them.
Perhaps the quality is better at health food stores compared to the Walmart brand, but Walmart echinacea has worked ok for us too.
    - goldenseal
  elderberry -widely used to fight the flu even

  I take about 2,000 mg of Ester C - vitamin C - most days, as  a general preventive.

 I take extra herbs and C if:
low on sleep,
have a stressful situation,
go  near anyone who is sick,
changes of seasons when extra colds  happen
around large crowds of people,
 indulge in junk, processed, white sugar or flour.

  "An ounce of prevention is STILL worth a pound of cure"

 We got sick of being sick.  We realized we would spend time and money at the doctor and pharmacy
OR we would spend time and money at the health food store and in the kitchen. 
   We have no regrets for our choice.   We do  have gratitude for answered prayers!

  Though we have had great success with these choices for over about 30 years, we humbly acknowledge it is by God's grace that it is working for us. He could allow us to get sick  for His own perfect reasons.  He may have lessons we need to learn for our character for all eternity we can only learn via sickness. Eternity matters more than this brief earthly  journey!

 But even though  there are no 100% guarantees we continue these habits to give ourselves the best possible chance to stay healthy.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Healthy Frugal Happy: Half an electric bill-actually less than half!

Healthy Frugal Happy: Half an electric bill-actually less than half!

Half an electric bill-actually less than half!

Yippe!! Our  normal, average monthly electric bill is 200.00
But  for mid Nov to Mid Dec  it is 83.00!
My frugal ways paid off!  Don't know if I can pull that off every month, but it's nice  this time!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Holidays? Why are so many not?

Holidays are classic times for songs about joy and happiness.  Yet, many people feel the opposite.

I have struggled with feeling discouraged and bummed out at times.  It motivated  me to make a serious study to the causes of such feelings  - including the wide-spread depression  especially this time of year!

I think one reason is the "expectations" we associate with Christmas.
The lower my expectations, the happier my holidays...  Best advice I ever heard was to lower your expectations. Now lower them again. Now lower them real low...and I've had happier holidays doing that.

  Reason is, when real-life happens at the holidays, such as food, gifts, decorations, budgets etc not being quite so Norman Rockwell perfect I'm not disappointed.    I expected things to be very imperfect.
As a result, the few things that did go well, were happy surprises to me and causes for feelings of gratitude and contentment.  Sure beats those former feelings of   frustration and disappointments over what did not turn out the way I wanted.

More important than the above, are the personal relationships.  Do we expect one day in the year to make up for an entire year long of strained relationships, especially in the family?  When I see my goal to improve my feelings of connectedness to family and friends, all year long, and do not expect Christmas to cure such things,  Christmas has become more enjoyable. 

Surely the physical and mental stresses and exhaustion help bring on discouragement and sadness too this time of year.  My goal is to take extra naps, eat  healthy most of the time, and exercise even though it's harder right now.  I squeeze in times of heart to heart chats with family and friends too - the best gifts of all!  And how wonderful to know these stress-busters are gifts we can give ourselves all  year long!

It occurred to me that the very first Christmas,  could have been a time of financial stress, frustration, unwelcome surprises,  unmet expectations,  and loneliness for Mary and Joseph.  So I guess that puts  us in good company if we too experience those things.

Imagine we were forced to do something by the government that was very inconvenient, expensive, un comfortable etc, like they were forced to do. 

Mary and  Joseph  arrived tired, and on the verge of giving birth no less! -  in a strange city.   Surely they felt disappointed at the lack of available  rooms.

But God showed up for them in very unexpected ways -- beautiful music from the Angels to welcome them and their newborn Son for example.

  I have a feeling God will show up for us too, if we but open our eyes and our hearts and let Him do it in His own mysterious, but perfect and often totally unpredictable, unexpected ways...

Joy to the world...happy holidays are possible!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stay warm for free!

A friend who grew up in a country where they  have no central heating  told me this trick:
Put super hot water into an  empty 2 liter soda bottle.
Cover it with thick towels.
Put it at your feet or wherever you get cold.
Cover with blankets and stay cozy and warm for hours!

I may try that soon if this freezing weather continues.
I thought about using a heating pad until she told me her idea.

Heating pad uses a bit of electricity, but the above uses none - except to heat the hot it's gotta be cheaper than the heating pad even!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Healthy Frugal Happy: keeping warm frugally

Healthy Frugal Happy: keeping warm frugally

keeping warm frugally

Brr!! It's below freezing here the past few nights.

That's why I will never buy plants for the yard that are susceptible to freezing - too much trouble and risk of losing the money spent on them.   There are plenty of hardier plants that will suit my purposes of a pleasant yard.

We're empty nesters so if you have kids, some of my  ideas may need to be modified of course!

Last night slept in a room that stayed around 68 or a bit lower, with little electric usage, and   felt very toasty and warm.

  Moved to the family room which  has a comfortable couch for sleeping.

It has 3 inside walls which provides great "insulation".   Moved the couch several inches away from the window so it was away from that one outside wall and older, non efficient windows.  (Weatherstripping and caulking are coming soon!)

I  had used my nifty radiator style/oil filled space heater to take the chill off the room. 
I also closed tightly all vents in the other rooms of the house, so when the central heat did come on a bit, it would quickly heat just this  room - where the thermostat is-  which is perfect!

This morning after  a cold 27 degrees  during the night outside, this room was 68 and  the other rooms were 50!  Mission accomplished.

Pput a thermal blanket as a bottom sheet and covered with one plus a soft thick bedspread.  We also have  a down comforter which  may be used tonight.

I wore my knit hat since most heat is lost through the head.  Double layer of socks, sweat pants and sweat shirt for pj's - here in FL I don't even own thick flannel pjs and I won't buy any.   They would be  more  clutter and we  seldom need them. 

Kept a thermos of hot "sleepy time" tea near my bed for a few sips in the night too which was fun!

I will do my paper work etc here in this warm room today.  May do  some baking in the kitchen where the oven will warm that room!   Goal is to not need  that  "kilowatt hog" central heat!  Hubby can heat his office with another space heater as needed.

Time to warm my heart with an exciting time in my daily Bible Study!  Using J Vernon McGee   Thru the Bible in 5 Years, from the radio.  About a paragraph a day.  Love pulling out my Study Bibles, and using the notes, plus Matthew Henry Commentary.      I've learned to write down all I'm learning so it sticks in my head and my  heart much better.    I try to do this before listening to his show - which  also comes online at my convenience  if I miss the radio time.

Heat up your tea or coffee and join me!   We're in Malachi 1: 13-2:2 today.

The joy of the Lord is my strength! (Happy)   My steaming green tea is waiting! (healthy)
Room continues to stay 68 with  no electricity being used (frugal)

Warm Hugs

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Time vs Money

I spent time to save money...but not sure it's worth it.
Time can never be increased - the quantity of time we have  is set in stone. We cannot increase the amount of time we  have. We can only  use it wisely to make it "go further"....

But, "frugal" is my middle name in this blog right?
SO...I'm referring to money and   frugality in this blog.

I saved money,   maybe $25.00, by purchasing new opaque plastic, instead of black,  to place on top of weeds to  kill them in a non toxic way.   I read online that  clear, opaque, or black plastic all would work. 

I frugally used black lawn bags I already  had on hand on some parts of the yard however.
Sure enough, the black plastic killed the weeds better, quicker, more thoroughly!

It's quite time consuming to lay down the black bags,  then to anchor them down with bags of compost or the few bricks I happened to  have on hand.

Looking back, I now realize I should have spent the extra money to buy the black plastic in sheets.
I could have more quickly put the black  plastic all over huge sections of the yard, etc.  And more weeds would have been more quickly, more thoroughly destroyed it seems to me.
But I won't beat myself up!  I  am human, and it's ok to make mistakes and to learn from them.

And I do feel good about saving the money. 

In the middle of the extra work out there, is when I get those feelings of " I want to spend more money to save more work next time!"

Also re: time -- I'm thankful I  have forced myself to "just begin" in the yard, the past few cool mornings. Just an hour each time...and there is progress, progress, progress!!  Hard to begin since the job seems so overwhelming...but so exciting to see how it IS progressing.  Bit by bit, week by week... month by spring it may look very nice!!!  The main goal is that five  or ten years from now, it will look very nice, with  little time or money needing to be  spent on it after this initial investment of time and money.

More than one neighbor has made friendly comments to me!   They each seem very positive and interested in my  non- toxic mindset!  Those have been extra boosts to my energy and attitudes!

progress/weedy thoughts

Looking at my pics, I see progress in my yard has happened! 
But when working out there, it seems like it is so s l o w  and laborious.

Most of the previously weedy green section is brown!

Amazing however, that some green weeds thrived under the opaque plastic.

I decided to yank those stubborn babies out by their roots manually.
Except, maybe only half of the time the whole root came out...sigh

So, of course those plants  with roots remaining could return.

Reminded me of sin  - unless I get to the root, it returns easier.
And also, unless I at least remove the  top flowering parts, they spread and grow.
So, at least working on sin as much as I can, could help it from spreading...

Meanwhile, back to the plant topic- I will cover the area with newspaper, cardboard and mulch so even those roots will likely not develop  into plants!  Not sure what the spiritual anaology to this is so I won't even try right now.

  Covering them that way, they will be "nipped in the bud!" so to speak...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

yard update

My yard has been covered in thick plastic for about a month.  A lot of the weeds underneath are very brown.  But some were green! 
To kill the green ones,
I mixed up a non toxic "Round UP' alternative and sprayed it last weekend.
I boiled down a gallon of regular vinegar that is 5% acidic.  Boiled down to 16 oz or 1/4 the amount, so I think that should have quadrupled the acidity to make 20% acidity.  That's considered "herbicidal strength".  I added a dash of liquid dish soap and a T of rubbing alcohol.  Used my pressure sprayer. Will let you know!  I hope this kills the weeds, root and all.  Regular vinegar kills the tops of weeds, but if big weeds, they come back...

frugality with buying paper towels, and toilet paper

How do you compare the myriad of choices for paper products to find the best bargain?
How do I know  if a coupon makes it cheaper or not?

I began  my notebook writing down  the total square meters per package and price. Then I'll figure out price per square meter.  It gets a bit tricky due to varying quality of the products, but that will come.
Will let you all know, dear readers, what I discover!

It took about an hour at Sam's Club, then another hour at Walmart writing down the stats on all their products for paper towels and toilet papers.  (I can't believe how many different types of packages Charmin makes!)

It is tedious work so I have to take breaks!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Job seems bigger than anticipated!

Whew - good feeling to be finished for the day!  Started out bright and early 7 a.m. laying down more mulch - did about 20 bags  I think.  Finished around 3 with an hour break.  20 bags of mulch doesn't cover a huge area unfortunately...but what did I expect??   At least the areas I  mulched do look nicer, and I  must force myself to think about how much  I've accomplished and not how much more remains...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Non Toxic Weed Killer

This morning I googled info about non toxic weed killers - and found a recipe.

It was :
3 qts of white vinegar
1qt of liquid dish soap.

I gently swished those together in my pressure sprayer.
Sprayed it on weeds and grass I want to kill. I plan to cover them with 8 layers of newspaper then eucalyptus mulch on top of the newspapers.

I like that it has dish soap - I've been reading how that tends to get rid of pesty bugs in the garden. Little beige moths fly around a lot lately in the yard - hopefully the concoction above will discourage them as well as help get rid of weeds and unwanted grass where mulch now belongs.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Gardens of Friendship

Back in CA, I enjoyed gazing out at my front yard at various plants friends had given me, helped me plant, etc. Each one reminded me of a special friend. I treasured the beauty of the plants but more, the beauty gift and joy of each friendship that the plant stood for.

I now have a FL friendship plant - from friend Nancy! -And it appears to be growing a little tiny flower bud after being transplanted into dirt for only 2 days! Wow. Friend Nancy was right when she said I can't kill Mexican petunia plants!!

So far I've mostly "planted" mulch - and it reminds me of a friend who happens to work where I purchased it. Well, I guess I also "planted" our sprinkler system - which this same friend wisely advised me to install before doing anything else to our yard. So I can smile at my mulch and sprinkler system too thinking of Cindy.

I've enjoyed friends' blogs which planted seeds for me to blog someday - so even this blog is a friendship garden of sorts! Thanks Tonya, Abby, Jen, and so many others too whose names will come to my mind as my blogging days go on... And thanks to my friend I've known since she was born - my youngest sister Karen - who encouraged me to blog on!

Wow, also -another life time friend who knew me since I was born - my oldest sister Linda, who has blogged for the Houston Chronicle regarding her yard and garden. She's "way off the charts" of accomplishment being a first born of six kids.. naturally..
anyway, her yard includes organic, raised garden veggies, herbs, birds, and lovely ornamental

Plus, my friend my second oldest sister Diane whose yard is like visiting a beautiful resort -- she even made her own stepping stones with molds and "concrete" type stuff! She sometimes buys older, dying plants cheap or free, revives them to radiant health and beauty!

My younger sister Carol has a nice yard including a fruitful veggie garden in her yard and a hubby talented like she is with such things!

Oh my.., I now realize I could go on and on with more friends and relatives who inspire me with wonderful yards and gardens! I will save them for another blog.

Thank you Lord, for the seeds family and friends have all planted in my heart that are now bearing fruit. They have given me the courage to "not give up" in this FL yard job!

Frugality regarding Time Use

Time is money goes the saying.
Didn't Ben Franklin say something like , Do not squander time- for that is the stuff life is made of?"

Sigh....I have a beautiful new day ahead of me with no urgent appointments, etc.
AND I have a "million" jobs to "catch up on" around the house for such a day.

Those jobs are "boring" and "tedious" (and they tend to involve papers... not people...)

SO..enter my handy timer timer (25cents at a garage sale)
I shall not set it for, say..umm..... 14 minutes and tackle a "dreaded" job.

I can do anything for 14 minutes!

Dreaded job, here I come!!
tick tick tick...soon I will hear "bing" and I can stop.

But in the past, I've always "reset it' and ended up sticking with dreaded jobs for a long time.
And a nice feeling of accomplishment!
Hallelujah for timers...

They matched Home Depot Offer

I had visited Home Depot for possibly buying 50 bags of eucalyptis mulch. Delivery would cost 79.00. I noticed online that Lowe's also charged 79.00 to deliver - 20 bags or 50 bags of mulch, same cost..hmm..

When I asked further about arrangements for delivery, the clerk voluntarily told me we could use their truck free for 75 minutes! That sounded great. I was impressed he volunteered that info! Go Home Depot!

I hopped over to Lowe's to compare mulch - lo and behold they had the "chunky" eucalyptus mulch where Home Depot had the "stringy" type only. I preferred the chunky. Also Lowe's had in stock and assembled, the tumbler type , barrel composter I'd been wanting!

I asked Lowe's about using their truck for free . They said no, $20.00 for 75 minutes.
Seems in this economy stores are open to "matching" competitors offers, so I mentioned Home Depot's free truck offer.

Lowe's said they had heard of that special offer - did I have the coupon for it? Home Depot did not mention a coupon so I didn't. Lowe's called Home Depot to confirm their offer.
Lowe's said Home Depot also required you to pay for the purchase with their card, which Home Depot also had not mentioned to me.

So, Lowe's said if I applied for and used their card for the purchase over 100.00 they'd match Home Depot's free truck use! No problem - only took a few minutes. I'll pay off the card immediately since frugal moms try to avoid interest and late fees.

Everything worked out great!
Total savings at Lowe's: two expired coupons - 35.00; free truck - 20.00 = 55.00

Hubby said why didn't I ask for a quanitity/bulk discount on the 50 bags of mulch!
Oh well, next time I can do that!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

God's Abundant Provision of Beauty

A dear friend, Nancy, gave me Mexican Petunias from her yard in June. Her yard is ablaze with their delightful color. She assured me they make lots of babies easily and are simple to grow and keep alive.

In Florida, I've killed some purchased plants so have not planted much lately.

Recently was forced to transplant an old azalea bush - which did not survive.
(It was comforting to later learn that they are among the most difficult to transplant successfully.)

SO...the above gift of Mexican petunias stayed healthy for two months in their pot placed inside a large bucket of water.
Ignored them - been traveling -- been busy -- been too afraid to touch them lest they die on me but they've been fine! (except no flowers yet) The bucket of water kept them well watered with no work on my part for two months! (except once I did change it for freshness...:) )

Need to research online tips to succeed with these. They are called "invasive" but I love that!
Their colorful flowers are lovely. I like invasive! It means "frugal choice, hard to kill etc!"
Yes - bring on such invasives any time.

(I planted them in a space bordered by my garage, stepping stones, and mature bushes. Those boundaries should help the "invasive" problem..

Just like with people - boundaries help us not invade other people's spaces and vice versa..
And, similar to gardening boundaries, they may need tweaking, studying, revising, etc..but that's ok -
there is joy in the journey and in the process, not merely in the goal or final destination.

Composter - for frugal, healthy yard fertilizing!

Composting made sense to my frugal healthy mindset - to recycle kitchen scraps and yard waste instead of buying artificial chemical fertilizers for the yard! Wow, made me happy just thinking about it! (and a happy heart is good like medicine - so chalk another one up for happiness too!)

But: which type composter will be a joy to use a year from now? Cannot stand to throw away money or time with a frustrating machine that doesn't work well.. Need one that uses minimal time and energy on my part, long-term..... Hmm..what's selling well on ebay? Surely more experienced gardeners have researched and know which type works

Browsing on ebay revealed that many bids were being placed for one type: a big "barrel" that has a handle for turning. Cost was around 90.00.

I almost bid on one, but waited...and viola!! Lowe's had one very similar in stock, and assembled- YES!

PLUS, Lowe's honored their expired coupon they sent me months ago that I had frugally saved in my "coupon" the price was a bit cheaper than ebay. A Lowe's clerk patiently helped me understand how to use it. AND this wonderful clerk xeroxed Lowe's guide to composting which had every detail for successful composting.
Hmmm-- there are details to follow to avoid odors, and pests etc...definite requirements to me.

SO...just now dumped in the 75% by volume of "Browns" - carbon rich stuff - (dry leaves and twigs), followed by 25% by volume of "Greens" - nitrogen rich stuff- (green yard clippings and kitchen waste). God sent some gentle rain which added needed moisture while I was filling it.

Gave the crank a few hearty turns.......will turn it daily and....wait and see! I'll likely have some "learning curves" to endure and things to troubleshoot, but the handy dandy guide sheet should help tremendously...

I thought I had saved "too many" kitchen scraps over the past month in my freezer, but
I used them all up and the ratio was fine between "greens" and "browns".

Brew.. brew...dear compost -- decompose.. do what God created you to do. How it all works, is one more evidence of His amazing grace and provision for His creation.

God gives us richly all things to enjoy...He is Our Provider...creation declares His praises and shows forth His wisdom and design --including how He even designed nature to recycle itself into useful fertilizer for growing new things.

Healthy weed killing

After reading and googling online for info, I tried "solarizing" to kill weeds before laying down the mulch.
The patch of yard was somewhat bare dirt already which surely helped.

After a rainy day (which frugally saved my using the garden hose and adding to the water bill) to wet down the area, I placed opaque thick plastic sheets on the spot. They were left over from my wonderful husband's Boy Scout Leader days when they used such stuff underneath tents. Yes! Just waiting in the garage for me to frugally use!

My wonderful husband (WH) knew exactly where they were and quickly produced this treasure from the camping supply section of the garage.

There was a nice quantity brand new plastic sheeting in the box, to easily lay out! I anchored it with large stones/bricks I had on hand. I also used some of the plastic pre cut in a tent floor design, which was partly brittle and fell apart, but others worked fine. (I pitched the brittle stuff! I"m not that frugal!! ha ha ha)

So far - no money spent at all!

God provided nice sunny days a lot this week, which helped too. Ideally I think you are to leave it on the yard up to 30 days, but it was too unsightly.. SO....I removed it today after one week -- and many weeds had turned brown underneath! It did rain yesterday so it was easy to dig out with a shovel all the brownish weeds, etc..

Money saved also includes: - no gym fee to get fit! - (lots of reps in bending, shoveling, carrying, lifting, stretching, etc!!)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Healthy Frugal Happy: frugal landscaping

Healthy Frugal Happy: frugal landscaping

frugal landscaping

Doing the yard ourselves so far..saving big bucks. May need to hire part of it, but what we can do ourselves, we will.

Had to read lots of "stuff" - best source may be County Extension - free, abundant advice and publications.

Bought 50 bags of eucalyptis mulch which repels insects!
Measured out the areas to mulch.
Mulch comes tomorrow from Lowe's.

Also composter comes tomorrow from Lowes - a "barrel" that I can turn via the outside crank. Wanted something easy to use so I do use it long term.