Monday, August 30, 2010

Gardens of Friendship

Back in CA, I enjoyed gazing out at my front yard at various plants friends had given me, helped me plant, etc. Each one reminded me of a special friend. I treasured the beauty of the plants but more, the beauty gift and joy of each friendship that the plant stood for.

I now have a FL friendship plant - from friend Nancy! -And it appears to be growing a little tiny flower bud after being transplanted into dirt for only 2 days! Wow. Friend Nancy was right when she said I can't kill Mexican petunia plants!!

So far I've mostly "planted" mulch - and it reminds me of a friend who happens to work where I purchased it. Well, I guess I also "planted" our sprinkler system - which this same friend wisely advised me to install before doing anything else to our yard. So I can smile at my mulch and sprinkler system too thinking of Cindy.

I've enjoyed friends' blogs which planted seeds for me to blog someday - so even this blog is a friendship garden of sorts! Thanks Tonya, Abby, Jen, and so many others too whose names will come to my mind as my blogging days go on... And thanks to my friend I've known since she was born - my youngest sister Karen - who encouraged me to blog on!

Wow, also -another life time friend who knew me since I was born - my oldest sister Linda, who has blogged for the Houston Chronicle regarding her yard and garden. She's "way off the charts" of accomplishment being a first born of six kids.. naturally..
anyway, her yard includes organic, raised garden veggies, herbs, birds, and lovely ornamental

Plus, my friend my second oldest sister Diane whose yard is like visiting a beautiful resort -- she even made her own stepping stones with molds and "concrete" type stuff! She sometimes buys older, dying plants cheap or free, revives them to radiant health and beauty!

My younger sister Carol has a nice yard including a fruitful veggie garden in her yard and a hubby talented like she is with such things!

Oh my.., I now realize I could go on and on with more friends and relatives who inspire me with wonderful yards and gardens! I will save them for another blog.

Thank you Lord, for the seeds family and friends have all planted in my heart that are now bearing fruit. They have given me the courage to "not give up" in this FL yard job!


  1. What sweet thoughts of us... :) Thanks.

  2. I enjoy reading your thoughts. Keep them coming.

  3. Try plumbago. Just sent you an email about them.

  4. I have lots of blue plumbago in my yard. I love it. It attracts butterflies and is very hardy. Needs lots of sun and also grows runners as I discovered yesterday while weeding. Great plant!
