Saturday, August 28, 2010

Composter - for frugal, healthy yard fertilizing!

Composting made sense to my frugal healthy mindset - to recycle kitchen scraps and yard waste instead of buying artificial chemical fertilizers for the yard! Wow, made me happy just thinking about it! (and a happy heart is good like medicine - so chalk another one up for happiness too!)

But: which type composter will be a joy to use a year from now? Cannot stand to throw away money or time with a frustrating machine that doesn't work well.. Need one that uses minimal time and energy on my part, long-term..... Hmm..what's selling well on ebay? Surely more experienced gardeners have researched and know which type works

Browsing on ebay revealed that many bids were being placed for one type: a big "barrel" that has a handle for turning. Cost was around 90.00.

I almost bid on one, but waited...and viola!! Lowe's had one very similar in stock, and assembled- YES!

PLUS, Lowe's honored their expired coupon they sent me months ago that I had frugally saved in my "coupon" the price was a bit cheaper than ebay. A Lowe's clerk patiently helped me understand how to use it. AND this wonderful clerk xeroxed Lowe's guide to composting which had every detail for successful composting.
Hmmm-- there are details to follow to avoid odors, and pests etc...definite requirements to me.

SO...just now dumped in the 75% by volume of "Browns" - carbon rich stuff - (dry leaves and twigs), followed by 25% by volume of "Greens" - nitrogen rich stuff- (green yard clippings and kitchen waste). God sent some gentle rain which added needed moisture while I was filling it.

Gave the crank a few hearty turns.......will turn it daily and....wait and see! I'll likely have some "learning curves" to endure and things to troubleshoot, but the handy dandy guide sheet should help tremendously...

I thought I had saved "too many" kitchen scraps over the past month in my freezer, but
I used them all up and the ratio was fine between "greens" and "browns".

Brew.. brew...dear compost -- decompose.. do what God created you to do. How it all works, is one more evidence of His amazing grace and provision for His creation.

God gives us richly all things to enjoy...He is Our Provider...creation declares His praises and shows forth His wisdom and design --including how He even designed nature to recycle itself into useful fertilizer for growing new things.

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