Thursday, December 23, 2010

Beat those winter colds!

We seldom get colds.

The reason is we learned the hard way:  hubby became allergic to most antibiotics over 30 years ago due to having so many of them to cure feverish  serious sinus infections, etc.

So had no choice but to pray for  a solution.

  God answered when  we met folks who used healtheir foods plus herbs.   They had cured otherwise seemingly "incurable" conditions.  We began reading everything we could and it  has worked well for us for the past 30  years. 

As long as we do the following, we get very few if any colds, etc
  - avoid cows  milk products  since they lead to mucus in us.
Rice  milk instead. 
No white flour or white sugar - whole grains, honey, stevia  or fructose instead .
No processed or junk foods.
Lots of fruits, veggies, beans, brown rice.
Enjoy a  Sunday Day of Rest.
Take time to relax,  unwind each day, and have fun!

 Meat  only a few times a week.  (many studies show vegetarian  have less cancer and heart disease.  Some researchers feel weak immune systems contribute to cancer, and meat may weaken some immune systems)

At first sign of a cold,  we  grab a few capsules of one or a combo of the following herbs that boost the immune system,  easily available at quality health food stores - even Walmart has some of them.
Perhaps the quality is better at health food stores compared to the Walmart brand, but Walmart echinacea has worked ok for us too.
    - goldenseal
  elderberry -widely used to fight the flu even

  I take about 2,000 mg of Ester C - vitamin C - most days, as  a general preventive.

 I take extra herbs and C if:
low on sleep,
have a stressful situation,
go  near anyone who is sick,
changes of seasons when extra colds  happen
around large crowds of people,
 indulge in junk, processed, white sugar or flour.

  "An ounce of prevention is STILL worth a pound of cure"

 We got sick of being sick.  We realized we would spend time and money at the doctor and pharmacy
OR we would spend time and money at the health food store and in the kitchen. 
   We have no regrets for our choice.   We do  have gratitude for answered prayers!

  Though we have had great success with these choices for over about 30 years, we humbly acknowledge it is by God's grace that it is working for us. He could allow us to get sick  for His own perfect reasons.  He may have lessons we need to learn for our character for all eternity we can only learn via sickness. Eternity matters more than this brief earthly  journey!

 But even though  there are no 100% guarantees we continue these habits to give ourselves the best possible chance to stay healthy.

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