Friday, January 7, 2011

Frugal Fitness

I was about ready to spend money to join Zumba which sounds like fun!
I need to have Fun to endure exercise.
But my frugal nature wanted to figure out a cheaper way - and God came through for me.
He helped me realize, I already  have:
  lively music - my Computer  with Itunes with oldie radio stations
                     TV stations with contemporary Christian artists playing fast music
old cassettes with lively music -(yep I'm frugally still using those ancient cassettes and player!)
 AND my little mini trampoline!

 So,, I finally brought the trampoline in front of the TV, and near the computer and cassette player.
If the TV or itunes wasn't playing something fast, I clicked on the tape.
Before I  knew it, I had knocked out 15 minutes of jogging! For me that is huge.
I got in 15  minutes earlier in the day, here a little, there a little of jogging.
For t his computer potato, this is a big breakthrough day and answer to my prayers that I would exercise more.
-This was a healthy, frugal and happy time today!

1 comment:

  1. Patty, did you know that the Casselberry Community Center has FREE exercise classes (chair aerobics) on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11a.m.? The instructor is from the YMCA. I went on Monday and there were 37 women! I was amazed, and enjoyed the workout. It WAS a workout! Chair or no chair.....we used exercise bands supplied by the instructor and folding chairs supplied by the Center. Music was fun, instructor was great. She ended the one hour session with some stretching and Tai Chi. Very very much fun! The hour FLEW BY! Note: NO CLASS WEEK OF JULY 4, but after that maybe we'll see you there? Sandy B
