Friday, August 19, 2011

Free organic fertilizer

The little white round dish on the grass below the composting barrel is full of "compost tea".

It is what drips out of my composting barrel especially
after it rains. I pour it around plants for frugal healthy plant feeding!

Dreamsicles. Easy!

Peeled cantaloupe. Liquified in blender. NOTHING else added! Delicious drink! Poured rest in ice cube tray. Frozen dreamsicles soon!
Healthy! Zero weight warcher points. Frugal! No wasted cantaloupe!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, August 15, 2011

Organizing Refrig and Freezer

Finally! Numbered containers in freezer and refrig. List of contents
of containers on refrig door.
No more frustration trying to find things!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Yard progress!

Asiatic jasmine, liriope and blue flowering plumbago bushes!
All low maintenance replacement plants for our front yard. No more grass!! They are drought tolerant too!

Lawn Progress!

Hired someone to plant asuatic jasmine near curb. Next rows of liriope. Behind them, Bushes
Of flowering plumbego
Getting there! These are low maintenance plants!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, July 1, 2011

Yogurt - homemade using crockpot

Hi  Yogurt loving Friends!

This surely represents health, frugality and  happy  creativity,

 I googled "crockpot yogurt" and found the basic recipes.  I also looked up temperature details in some of my old cookbooks.

1. Pour milk into crockpot - 1/2 gallon.  I used nonfat dry milk for maximum economy. I believe you could use any type of milk probably including soy, rice, etc.  Super   healthy
choice  could be organic milk.

 2.  Heat until  almost boiling. Thermometer* is my favorite way to know for sure so I used it.

180 degrees  ( my crockpot took about 2 hours)

3.  Turn off crockpot and remove lid.   Cool back down to about 115 degrees.
95 degrees -bacteria will not be active       120 degrees, they will die.

4. Stir in yogurt starter. I purchased Dannon vanilla, 6 oz cup, since they were on sale.  Plain yogurt is usually recommended as starter, but my vanilla flavored one worked fine.  I believe any fruit flavored one would work too.  JUST BE SURE THE LABEL SAYS ACTIVE CULTURES.  I believe also, the more and varied the live bacterias contained, the better and healtheir
Now was the time to   add an optional  1/2 cup of additional powdered milk for extra
thickness and nutrition which I did.

5. I have an amazing thermos* that keeps hot tea piping hot for 24 hours!  Unbreakable too, I don't think it has a glass liner.  Found at yard sale for 50 cents!  

I filled the thermos with part of the milk/yogurt mixture and put lid on and let it sit all night undisturbed.

6.  Insulate* the crockpot well.  I put a thick towel around it, then a layer of newspaper, then a second thick towel.

7. Next morning I woke up to lovely thick creamy yogurt* in the crockpot and in the thermos!
I immediately filled a 6 oz  container with some for the starter culture for the next batch.
 I may look at a health food store for a small container of live active yogurt that has the most and varied types of bacterias possible listed on the label to use for starter yogurt.   But for now I'll use what I have on hand.
* photos are on my facebook page.  If you're reading this and not my FB friend, just request to friend me and let  me know you found me at this blog.  Then you can see the pics.

Happy eating! Love to hear in the comments how you did with making your own healthy frugal happy yogurt!

* I'm having tech troubles loading pics onto this blog.  Not sure why.  Iphone4  doesn't seem to be compatible.  Anyone know how to solve this?


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happiness Thoughts

One reason I  am miserable at times is that I EXPECT too much happiness here on this earth.

 Life wouldn't be so hard if I didn't expect it to be so easy.

A wise person once told me that sometimes,  expectations are actually " planned resentments."

Jesus said, in this world I WILL have tribulation and trouble. But,  I am  be of good cheer for He has overcome this world.  The Bible even tells me in the book of James that I am to rejoice when I have trouble because my character will improve! Wow, what a novel way to find happiness!  Can't go wrong there or miss happiness, since trouble is guaranteed on this earth.

  My real and lasting true happiness lies in heaven.  That will happen to me  after my earthly body goes back to dust from where it came.    And my soul  will go back to God from  where it came.

  If I try to create "heaven on earth" I'm setting myself up for disappointment.

How much kinder and wiser are the words of truth from  Jesus.

  He   warned me of the reality of this current earthly existence.  He knew I would be living  in a world not yet redeemed back to its original design by God before Adam and Eve sinned and affected this world with misery.

Yet He came to pay the penalty for my sins that keep me from God by His death on the cross.
For God loved the world so much that He sent His Son Jesus, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."    --   John 3:16, Bible, New Testament

Wonder of wonders!  He is good! 
And Life is good including with peace and even times of happiness here on this earth as I listen to truth and base my expectations on reality.

I've experienced  that CS Lewis was right when he said, "Aim for heaven and get earth thrown in.
Aim for earth and get nothing."

Monday, January 31, 2011

Finally - No More Insomnia!

At last!  I slept well 4 nights in a row, using one same simple thing.

 I have been praying for myself and other friends who sleep poorly.
Persistent prayer can pay off!!

I've tried "everything" ( herbal, etc etc)
and they all worked - for a night or two...

Joan at Chamberlin's Health Food Store in Winter Park guided me to
  Solaray brand,  Cal-Mag Citrate  1:1 ratio, with Vitamin D2.

I take 2  capsules, spread out 4 times a day including one dose at bedtime. - total of 8 per day-
about 1333 mg  of cal and 1333mg of mag total for the day, plus the vitamin D2.

No morning grogginess!! Just pleasant restful sleep.
(also,  I quit touching any caffeine after 12 noon- no coffee, no black tea, etc..)

Seems one  secret is the magnesium is in the same amount of mg as the calcium and the citrate form is easy to absorb.

May  you too enjoy the  happiness of  healthy frugal sleeping,  my fellow insomniacs!

Joyfully and Energetically I sign off,


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Insomnia Help

Insomnia is a root of many problems.
Including -  weight gain - sleep deprivation turns on the "hunger hormone".

  I find myself craving and munching all day long after a poor night's sleep.
But with deep sound 8 hours, I do not have any abnormal cravings or hunger.   I eat a  normal amount of calories - about 1500 - which for me, a short , 57 yr old woman, is what I need to lose weight slowly and steadily.  But with insomnia, I end up eating l700 or more which results in NO weight loss.

I slept well a few nights last week!
One necessity seems to be  the cal/mag pills.  I'm using
Solaray brand, Cal-Mag Citrate with   1:1 ratio/ plus Vitamin D 400 IU
I take two, 3 times a day, for a total  of 1,000 mg each daily.

PLUS exercise is a necessity.   I don't like to do it!
But I sure like to sleep well so I can think straight, be cheerful and lose weight!

SO..the day I jogged last week I slept well that night!
  Plus I ate salmon for lunch (Canned = frugal)
 and some (canned=quick) turkey breast for supper.  Salmon has that wonderful fish oil for brain health, incl. insomnia I figure.  Turkey has great amino acids to help with sleep.

I also quickly turned off any "negative" or stressful talk/ or shows of any kind of the TV or radio.
I chose to listen to only uplifting, fun, cheerful stuff.

Plus I used  one chammomile tea bag with one Nighty nite Tea bag, poured boiling water over them, covered, for 15 minutes.  Drank around 8 pm, so by 10pm at latest, they were well absorbed and digested.

Today I walked for 15 minutes, ate the salmon, and turkey and took the cal/mag.
I will keep praying for a good night sleep - for me and for several other dear folks who struggle this way too.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Frugal Fitness

I was about ready to spend money to join Zumba which sounds like fun!
I need to have Fun to endure exercise.
But my frugal nature wanted to figure out a cheaper way - and God came through for me.
He helped me realize, I already  have:
  lively music - my Computer  with Itunes with oldie radio stations
                     TV stations with contemporary Christian artists playing fast music
old cassettes with lively music -(yep I'm frugally still using those ancient cassettes and player!)
 AND my little mini trampoline!

 So,, I finally brought the trampoline in front of the TV, and near the computer and cassette player.
If the TV or itunes wasn't playing something fast, I clicked on the tape.
Before I  knew it, I had knocked out 15 minutes of jogging! For me that is huge.
I got in 15  minutes earlier in the day, here a little, there a little of jogging.
For t his computer potato, this is a big breakthrough day and answer to my prayers that I would exercise more.
-This was a healthy, frugal and happy time today!