Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happiness Thoughts

One reason I  am miserable at times is that I EXPECT too much happiness here on this earth.

 Life wouldn't be so hard if I didn't expect it to be so easy.

A wise person once told me that sometimes,  expectations are actually " planned resentments."

Jesus said, in this world I WILL have tribulation and trouble. But,  I am  be of good cheer for He has overcome this world.  The Bible even tells me in the book of James that I am to rejoice when I have trouble because my character will improve! Wow, what a novel way to find happiness!  Can't go wrong there or miss happiness, since trouble is guaranteed on this earth.

  My real and lasting true happiness lies in heaven.  That will happen to me  after my earthly body goes back to dust from where it came.    And my soul  will go back to God from  where it came.

  If I try to create "heaven on earth" I'm setting myself up for disappointment.

How much kinder and wiser are the words of truth from  Jesus.

  He   warned me of the reality of this current earthly existence.  He knew I would be living  in a world not yet redeemed back to its original design by God before Adam and Eve sinned and affected this world with misery.

Yet He came to pay the penalty for my sins that keep me from God by His death on the cross.
For God loved the world so much that He sent His Son Jesus, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."    --   John 3:16, Bible, New Testament

Wonder of wonders!  He is good! 
And Life is good including with peace and even times of happiness here on this earth as I listen to truth and base my expectations on reality.

I've experienced  that CS Lewis was right when he said, "Aim for heaven and get earth thrown in.
Aim for earth and get nothing."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the inspiration, Patty, and happy Mother's Day!
